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About Me

Stuff about me you'll probably forget in 5 minutes or less

From Kathi Walker…

From the time I learned to read at age 4, I’ve devoured books like they’re candy. Much of my childhood was spent with my nose in a book, including at school recess or family parties.

As a homeschool mom, I received many many chances to read to my children. When they reached their teens and I was still browsing through Junie B. Jones and The Chronicles of Narnia simply because I loved them, I decided it was time to let my imagination loose and write down some of the ideas that had been swimming through my head.

Besides reading, I love watching movies (anything from The Avengers to supremely cheesy romantic comedies) and spending time with my family. I also love to vacation and explore new places, especially if they include either water or a roller coaster.

I love the sun, and still can’t quite figure out how I ended up living in Utah, where we don’t see much of it for six months out of the year. My dream is to move to Florida and spend all my time writing in the sun by the pool.